Affordable and effective physical therapy in Bridgewater NJ

Physical therapy can be a challenge to those in pain. At ABC physical therapy near Bridgewater NJ, we offer both pain management techniques as well as professional physical therapy that will alleviate discomfort due to injuries or sport accidents. This is also supplemented with numerous exercise techniques, as well as utilizing hot or cold packs applied to injured areas to help increase blood flow to promote healing. Our liscenced therapists can also provide joint stabilization techniques or if necessary can help out with joint manipulation that should reset joints and realign them. If you are not happy with your current physical therapist, you should give ABC physical therapy a call as we use only the most qualified therapists and rely on our great reputation to gain loyal and repeat customers.

Choosing a physical therapists in Bridgewater NJ can be a difficult process, not unlike choosing a doctor, or auto mechanic, as you are sort of at the mercy of these professionals. At ABC Physical Therapy, we understand that choosing your place for therapy is a difficult task and we are always happy to answer all questions you may have about our wide range of treatment options, before, during or after treatment. We also are happy to take a look at your insurance and verify that you are eligible should you desire.

Other techniques that we offer include electrical muscle stimulation, which stimulates the contraction of a persons muscles using the stimulation from a safe electric current. This technology can help build muscle mass and strengthen existing muscles to help with any injury or associated pain. At ABC Physical Therapy located near the town of Bridgewater NJ- we offer electrical muscle stimulation as well as more traditional approaches to physical therapy for injuries and pain that may come with that.